The layout of forms within intelligentcontract can be adjusted to your requirements.  Fields can be renamed, moved, and removed. New fields can be added, and whole sections can be moved around to make each form unique and serviceable for your user entry requirements.  

Navigate to Configuration > Customisation > Define Form Layouts

Entity Selection

The Form Layout screen displays all the entities where a form can be adjusted. Each tab represents an option in the Navigation panel and some sub-entity options.  Select an option by clicking on the relevant tab and the screen will update to display the layout of that form. More tabs are displayed if you click on the down arrow at the end.

Fig 1  - Entity Options

Type Field

Entities that can have more than one Type will display a Type field with a drop down list.  Select the Type first, and then adjust the form. Whatever layout is created is then saved only to that particular Type. 

This will allow you to create unique layouts for each Type within that entity.  This is especially useful when you need to record different information based upon the Type. It means that when you allocate a Type to a record, only the fields that are relevant to that Type will be displayed.  For example, if you have an Person Type of 'Internal', then you may need to record a Payroll number; this field would not be required for a Person Type of 'External', so it can be left off the form.

Fig 2 - Type values

The'Default' Type value is the original value of the form layout before you have made any adjustments - if you wish to revert an updated layout back to the Default, then press the orange  [Revert to Default Layout] button

Type can only be removed from the 'Default' Type value, if you try to remove from other Type values then an error will display.

If you remove the Type field on the form then it will only display the current Default Layout and the Contract Type drop down list as shown above will be removed from the screen.

All records will then be displayed using the 'Default' format only, if you place the 'Type' field back on the default form then all record will revert back to their prior Type value.  Any records created while 'Type' was off the form will be blank.

Form Area

The Form Area is where you can adjust the location of the fields. You can drag and drop a field to another location by clicking and holding onto the stack of box's on the field block.

Fig 3 - Moving Fields


Sections are used to group information together on the form. New sections can be created by using the [New Section] option. This will open up an Add/Edit form for you complete

 Fig 4 Adding Sections

  • Name - the title of the section
  • Columns - the number of fields wide the section should be

Once you have created your new section, drag and drop the appropriate field into it.

Fig 5 - New section with fields

A whole section can be moved to another location on the form by dragging and dropping, just like a field.

Fig 6 - Moving sections

You can Delete a section by hovering over the end of the block, where a Delete icon will appear. This will remove the whole section and place any fields that were in it into the Available Fields box.  If you use the Pencil icon this will open up the Add/Edit form, where you can adjust the Section Title or number of Columns - this can be done to all existing sections.

Fig 7 - Editing a section

Form Options

The Form Option checkbox allows you to control is a Sub Tab record opens as a pop up or a full screen.  By default, majority of all tabs are ticked to open as a pop up except Tasks, Framework Lots, Assets and KPI's - these will open full screen.

Fig 8 - Form Options

Users do have the option to expand a pop up record when they open it, but if you prefer these records to always open full screen the adjust this checkbox.

Fig 9 - Pop up record Expand button

Available Fields

The Available fields area is the place where all the fields that are not used on a form are stored.  

If you wish to remove a field from a form, then drag and drop it to this section.  Fields can be drag and dropped back on the form if required.

If you have created any Custom Fields for the selected entity they will be located here, ready to be placed on the form and will be identified with a [C] at the end.  There may be some system generated fields that you have taken off the form. By default they cannot be seen, but if you check the 'Show System Fields' checkbox, then they are added to the list and are identified with a [S] at the end.

Fig 10 - Available Fields

Editing Fields

If you hover over a field block, you will see a red M appear with a checkbox. Tick this box to make the field Mandatory on the form. 

Fig 11 - Mandatory fields

On an Attachment field, there will be a purple P with a checkbox. This controls if you wish to display a preview panel of a document on the screen.

  Fig 12  -Preview fields

Fig 13 - Preview screen

Fields can be renamed if required. Double click on the field block to open it up for editing.

Fig 14 - Renaming a field

NOTE: We do not recommend renaming an existing field to be used for a different function. The renaming of a field should just be to change the value to a suitable alternative such as 'Active Start Date' to 'Commencement Date'.  If you wish to capture other information, then you should always create a new Custom Field for this.

Saving an Adjusted Layout

After you've made layout changes, click the [Save] button or your changes will not be applied.

When a layout is adjusted and saved, if a field has been removed from a layout a warning message will appear.  You have the option then to either [Confirm] or [Cancel] the Save action

Fig 15 - Layout update warning

This message is to inform that even though the field has been removed, if it is used elsewhere in features that can drive actions such as triggers or criteria for Automations or Approval requests then these actions will still trigger or be relevant. 

The other areas where there removed field has been used should be manually updated as a separate action.