Every record that is created within intelligentcontract has two unique references, the ID and the Original System Reference (OSR).
When using the Import process to modify or delete existing records the CSV file must contain either the ID or Original System Reference of the record(s) so it knows which records to modify or delete.
If you are Adding new records then you do not need to enter and ID as the system will generate that aromatically, but you can populate the OSR, doing this will allow you to reference this OSR identifier in other sheets in your Import if required, such as Contract People or Alerts. If you do not choose an OSR the system will also auto-populate this reference.
The ID and the Original System References are used when you are creating files to link records together such as linking a Person to a Contract record or uploading a Document to a Contract record, Please refer to this article about Cross Referencing records.
The ID is a system generated reference that will appear on all forms when they are opened
Fig 1 - Record ID
The Original System Reference is also a unique identifier for the record, this reference is located within the Record Detail icon, but this value can be modified by the User if required.
Fig 2 - Record Original System reference
If you use the Import process to generate a populated CSV file, or populate a sheet in the grid, any existing records will have their ID and OSR references displayed.
Fig 3 - Populated grid
Fig 4 - Populated csv file
Note: The ID field is always the second column along, it is identified with the entity name, so the above example column header value is 'Contracts' if you have generated for example a Contract People file, then the header will say 'Contract Person'.
If you are generating a file that contains links to other entities such as Alerts or Contract People then there will be columns in the grid that will populate with the linked record details.
The records are displayed with the 'Title' or 'Name' in blue followed by the ID reference in green to aid the User in knowing they have the correct record.
The below example is of an Alert modification file, you can see the highlighted columns are links to the Contract the Alert is associated to, the Party the Alert is associated to and the People associated to each Alert.
Fig 5 - Linked records identified in the grid
If you wish to update the value then you can used the cell drop down to select an alternative value or you can double click in the cell, this will display the ID value, here you can manually change the ID value. Validation will occur when you click out of the cell if you have auto-revalidation switched on.
If the field is a multiselect field, then you have a + button in the cell where the drop down will appear for you to be able to select more values.
Once selected the value will appear in the cell.
Fig 6 - Manually editing a linked record field
If you are using the grid to add new data or modify existing data then you can easily use the cell + and drop down options associated to linked records to choose the correct value.
If you are using downloaded csv files then you must reference these linked field using either the OSR or ID references.
Below example is a csv file for the same records above, you can see that the columns Contract, Party and Linked People do not contain the 'Name' of the record, but its ID or OSR reference instead.
When creating or updating this type of data in a csv file, then you must always prefix either the OSR or the ID reference with either 'OSR' or 'ID' so the system knows what record it is supposed to link.
- If you are referencing a record that has and ID of 123 then you must enter this as ID123.
- if you are referencing a record that has an OSR of 789 then you must enter this as OSR789.
You can enter a mix of OSR and ID references in the same file, but they must have this prefix, if you do not enter the prefix then you will get a validation error which can be manually updated.
Fig 7 - Linked records in a csv file
Once your csv files are complete then you can import back into the Import screen, validation will occur on your values, if you have errors you have the option to either manually update the data in the grid, or you can update your csv file offline and then reupload.