Using the Grid

The grid is designed to populate with the data that you have either manually entered, imported or pre-populated from the system.

Once you have your data loaded into the grid then you can use the various tools provided to help you adjust/modify/add data until you are happy with your Import.  

Rows and Columns

Similar to Excel you are able to add/remove rows and hide/show columns, if you right click with your mouse on any row, you will see a pop up with options.  Some of the options i.e. Undo/Redo will be greyed out until the action is relevant. 

  • Insert row above
  • Insert row below
  • Remove row
  • Insert multiple rows above
  • Insert Multiple rows below
  • Undo
  • Redo

Add multiple rows

Use the 'Add Multiple rows above/below' option and choose the number of rows you wish to insert.  

Fig 1 - Insert/Remove Rows

Remove Rows

Select multiple rows using your mouse and right click to select the option to remove them from the grid.  

NOTE: If you  choose to remove rows that are not sequential then all rows in-between the first and last selection will also be removed.

i.e. show rows in error displayed rows 2 and 6, if you highlight these 2 rows and choose 'remove rows' then rows 2,3,4,5,6 will be removed

Fig 2 - Remove multiple rows

Hide Columns

If you highlight a column or multiple columns using the shift key then you will have the option to hide the column(s) from the grid, this does not remove them from the Import, it just hides the columns from the current view

Fig 3 - Hide Columns

Unhide Columns

Each column header is labelled with a  letter, you can see which columns are hidden if the letters jump the alphabet, to bring back hidden columns, select the two columns either side using the shift key and right click, you will then have the option to show the columns again.

Fig 4 - Show hidden columns

If you do hide a column then you will then have an option in the [...] selector to unhide all columns at one.

Fig 5 - Unhide all columns

Undo / Redo

After you have performed an update you will have the option to Undo and then Redo an update.

Fig 6 - Undo/Redo options

Grid Icons

There are a number of icons on the top right of the grid, these tools are to allow you to work with your data.

Fig 7 - Grid Icons

Show only valid rows

When clicked this option will update the grid to only display the rows that are validated.

Show only invalid rows

When clicked this option will update the grid to only display the rows that are in error, once fixed they will drop off the grid unless another error is found along the row.

Show only modified rows

When clicked, this option will update the grid to only display the rows that have been modified, once a row is validated it will drop off the grid .


This will open up the filter panel, for more details about how the Filter panel work please click here.

Validated Values

The grid is designed to validate for values within your account and also logic, such as no letters in an integer field, only valid email addresses, correct format date fields etc.  

Some fields will be presented with a drop down list, such as Currency or Term, this will only allow you to enter a value from the drop down list, any alternate value will display an error.

In each instance where an error is found a hover will display the error that is apparent and will guide you to enter a correct value.

 Fig 8 - Invalid values

If you have selected a value such as Contract type and the Type layout you have selected has mandatory fields stipulated, then the validation would show that this field is a required field.

Fig 9 - Mandatory fields

The Contract Term selection presents logic to the Term you have selected, so if you have a Contract set to have a Term of 'Fixed' then it would validate and request that a Start and an End Date are required fields.

Fig - 10 - Term Mandatory fields

Value Set Validation

Some fields within the grid are subject to validation against predetermined value set in your account, these would be fields such as Contract Type, Classification, Role etc, each one of these cells can only contain a valid value from their predetermined value set.

The grid will validate any value entered into these cells against those value sets, if an incorrect value is entered, the cell will go red and the hover will display the error.

Fig 11 - Incorrect value entered

You can manually select the correct value by clicking the + icon in the cell.  This will then display the associated drop down list for you to select a valid value.  You can also use the search option to find your value.

Fig 12 - Value set drop down

Once selected the cell will go orange as it validates.

Fig 13 - Updated value

Once validated, the value will replace the incorrect value in the cell and go white.

Fig 14 - Validated value

Hierarchy Validated Values

Value set fields that use a hierarchy can also be selected, the dropdown list will display all levels.

Fig 15 - Drop Down option

You can also use the hierarchy icon to display the list in the alternate way.

Fig 16 - Hierarchy selection

Again after selection it will turn orange during validation, after which the value will be presented in the cell with the => characters to represent a lower level value.

Fig 17 - Validated value display

Note: If you have pre-populated or uploaded a file into your sheet then an initial validation process will occur. There may be instances where there are initial errors, that you did not know about.


These types of errors can sometime occur if you already have data in your account and then subsequently make a field mandatory, or have deleted a value set value but not updated records that contain this value.  

If you were manually updating the record, if you try to save, the screen will give you an error and ask for the mandatory fields to be populated.  

The Import process works the same way, even if you are not modifying these fields or have even included these fields in your import file as they are mandatory then they will still need to be provided to be able to complete the Import, this may result in you updating unknown errors or modifying your Import file to include these values.

Linked records

Linked records are where you are looking to link one existing record to another, such as link People to Contracts or an Alert to a Contract.

When you click the + in this cell the drop down list will display a list of all the available records you can select, in the option below I can select any Person record to associate to this Alert.

Fig 18 - Linked record drop down

You can also use the magnifying glass icon to launch the 'Find' screen to locate the record you are looking for.

Fig 19 - Linked record 'Find' screen

The benefit of using the 'Find' screen is that you can use the filters in the find screen to additionally search for the correct record.

Once they are selected they are displayed in the cell with their record ID and name to make it easier to recognise.

Fig 20 - Selected Linked record

Multiple value fields

If you have a field that can contain multiple values then once you have selected a value the + icon will remain in the cell, this enables you to then select another value from the drop down list.

Fig 21 - Multi select fields

Import options

There may be instances where you wish to add new values to a value set field but do not wish to leave the Import screen and manually adjust the Value set via the Configuration screen.  

In limited instances you are able to tell the system that the value you have entered into a cell is a value that should be added to the value set going forward.  

For example, the below import is stopped because the Contract Types values entered in the cell are not valid as they do not exist within the account.

If you click the [...] icon on the  top right of the screen you have an 'Import Options' value.

Fig 22 - Import option 

Click here and a pop up will appear as below, this will list all the fields for this template that you can update to have new values added to them automatically when the Import is done.

Fig 23 - Import option selection

Tick the relevant option, in this case 'Allow creation of new Contract Types' and press [Save].  once saved, the grid will auto validate and the values will now become accepted.

Fig 24 - Validated values

Once your Import has processed then these new values will automatically be created in your account and can be selected going forward.

Note: These options in the pop up will change depending on the template you have selected.


You can copy data from an external sheet and paste into the grid, please be aware though that there is no mapping of columns, so if you are copying multiple columns then they must match the format of the grid column layout otherwise you will paste data into the wrong column and the validation will give errors.  Ideally you can copy column by column into the correct location in the grid.

Drag values 

If you enter a value and the below rows also should contain that same value then you can use the bottom right corner of the cell and drag the value up/ down and left/right into neighbouring cells just like you can in Excel, please note that this will not automatically increment as it can sometimes do in Excel, it will always be the same value populated in the selected cells.


Some columns may have ? icons displayed.  If you hover over the then a tip will appear giving you information on what type of data should be populated in that column. For the below example it is explaining the correct format required to enter Alert Dates and the Recur options.

Fig 25 - ? Hints