intelligentcontract allows an organisation to define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and assign them to a contract or specific Party. KPI's can be created from the KPI section or it is possible to import KPIs and Measurements from a CSV spreadsheet.  Please refer to Importing Data for more details.

Once created, measurements are then compared over a specified period and the system will determine whether a particular KPI has 'passed' or 'failed' its performance target.

It is possible to assign as many KPI's to a Party or Contract as required. Once assigned, you are able to see the performance of a particular Party or Contract KPI's by accessing the KPI tab at the bottom of the relevant record.  

Fig 1 - KPI Performance for a Party

The KPI Summary screen will display all your KPI's across all your Contracts and Parties.

Fig 2 - KPI Summary Screen

Tip: Performance Rating refers to whether a KPI for a particular Party has reached its specified target. A performance rating will either be Pass or Fail

Tip: A Performance Target is set by the KPI, however linked Parties can have this value overridden with their own target to allow more flexibility

If the measurements from a KPI Party indicate that the target has been reached within the target period then 'Pass' will be displayed in the Performance field, otherwise 'Fail' will be displayed. 'No data to report' will be displayed if there are no measurements for this KPI Party for the target period specified.

Tip: If there is at least one measurement missing from the target period then an icon () will be included in this field. This icon indicates that because there is at least 1 missing measurement, the performance rating may be inaccurate.