You can add your own fields to better represent your organisation's practises. Create a field, choose from a selection of data entry types and place your new field anywhere in a forms layout. Custom fields help you to capture and display the data your organisation requires.

A custom field can be placed anywhere on your selected form. It is possible to have different custom fields and layouts for each form Type. So for example, you may have 5 custom fields for your “facilities” contracts and 3 different custom fields for your “professional services” contracts.  

You can view and manage your custom fields from the 'Custom Fields' page. Navigate to Configuration > Customisation > Manage Custom Fields 

Custom Field Summary Table

Below is an example summary table of all custom fields that have been created in the system. As with other summary tables click [New] to create a new record.

Fig 1 - Custom Fields Summary Table

Creating a Custom Field

Complete the fields within the form then save

Fig 2 - Custom Field Form

  • Name - this should reference the entity so you are aware of the location of the field. 
  • Label - the actual field name that will be displayed on the form
  • Help - to be removed, please ignore  
  • Entity - this is the feature within the system that you wish the field to be placed (Contracts, People, Parties etc)
  • Data Type - this defines the type of data that the field should contain - Please read the Data Types section for further information
  • Data Type Parameters - this section displays various fields dependant on the Data Type Parameter you have selected - Please read the Data Types section for further information
  • Mandatory - set if you wish the new field to be a mandatory requirement to save the form

Note:  Once the field has been saved you are only able to edit the Name, Label and if the field is Mandatory, all other fields will be locked from editing.

Data Types

When creating a new custom field you can set the type of data you wish to capture with the 'Data Type' field and set its parameters. Below is a description of each of the data types available to select including their specific parameters.

Fig 3 - Data Types

Small Text

A single line free text field. Maximum character limit : 200

Large Text

A 5 line, scrollable free text box. Maximum character limit : 65,000


A numerical entry field with up & down arrows for ease of use.

Fig 4 - Integer Field

  • Leading Zeroes - set how many leading zeroes will  automatically prefix the number entered


A numeric value with formatting for decimal places.

Fig 5 - Decimal Field

  • Leading Zeros - set how many leading zeroes will  automatically prefix the number entered
  • Decimal Places - set how many decimal places are to be shown. If the number has fewer than this the places will be populated with 0's


A simple Yes or No checkbox.

Entity Look-Up

This value will allow you to display another entities values as a list within the field. This is used if you wish to see a list of existing data to select from.  For example, if you are creating an Alert you can create this type of field and assign the Person entity, this will then display a list of all Person records to select from. 

Fig 6 - Entity Look up

  • Entity Type - select which entity you would like to display within the field
  • Multiple Values? - check this box if you would like to display more than one value within the field. The resulting field will be a list box in which you can add multiple records from the same entity (Select multiple People, Parties, Contract etc)


Display a percentage value


Numeric value with base currency currency icon.

Fig 7 - Currency field

  • Leading Zeros - set how many leading zeroes will  automatically prefix the number entered
  • Decimal Places - set how many decimal places are to be shown. If the number has fewer than this the places will be populated with 0's

Value Set

Value Sets allows you to add a drop down select box populated by your own custom values. You can select from a number of existing Value Sets but if you require a new Custom Value Set then it must be created first, for more information on creating your own Custom Value Sets read this article: Value Sets

Fig 8 - Value Set Field

  • Value Set - choose which Value Set will populate the dropdown field (your new Custom Value Set will appear at the bottom on the list when created)
  • Multiple Values? - If you would like to display more than one value from the Value Set within the field check here. The resulting field will be a list box in which you can add multiple values from a select box
  • Allow parent values to be selected? - If your Value set has a hierarchy structure, then ticking this box will allow Users to select Parent values, if left unticked then you force the user to select a Child value

Tip : There is no limit to the number of values that can be added to a value set. 


A date picker field, when you click in the field, a Calendar Picker will be displayed. You have the option to create different types of date fields using the tick box options, if you leave the tick box’s blank then a standard Single date field will be created.

Fig 9 - Date field options

  • Enable Multiple Values – to allow Multiple Single dates to be selected in the field
  • Enable Date Range – to allow a Single Date Range to be selected in the field
  • If both values are ticked then you are creating a field that allows Multiple Date Range values to be selected

Field ParametersDisplay
Single Date18-Oct-2018
Single Date (Multi Value)18-Oct-2018
Date Range18-Oct-2018 -> 20-Nov-2018
Date Range (Multi Value)18-Oct-2018 -> 20-Nov-2018
23-Nov-2018 -> 30-Nov-2018
05-Dec-2018 -> 15-Dec-2018


The Auto-Number field automatically assigns a number to the newly created field. This can be useful for assigning an automatic reference numbers that more closely matches your organisations processes.

Fig 10 - Auto-Number Field

  • Starting Index - set the number the system will begin counting up from
  • Interval - set the number interval the system will count up from. e.g. Setting '5' would count from the Starting Index in increments of 5
  • Prefix - set a prefix to the number generated. This can be text or numerical
  • Number of digits - set how many digits will be displayed. Empty places will be filled by leading 0's


A drop down list of all the countries of the world will defaulted in the field

Security Group

A field that can be used to allocate Security Groups to a record automatically based upon a 2 level picker selection.

Fig 11 - Security Group field

First level name - Name of the first picker field

Second Level Name - Name for the second picker field

Hide Read-Write Controls - Hide the [RW] [RO] options at the end of a selected value

Show Read-Write Controls - Display the [RW] [RO] options at the end of a selected value

For more information about how to set up and create a Custom Security Group field please click here: 

Once you have created your Custom field then you can place it on the form in the Form Layouts page.