An Alert can be related to a Contract or a Party. When the Contract or Party record is viewed, the Alert will be listed.  An Alert is also linked to one or more People. These can be either internal or external to your organisation. All People linked to an Alert are informed via email once the Alert is triggered and if any changes are made to the Alert after it has triggered. 

The email contains options to allow the linked person to either Complete / Review / Snooze the Alert, using the action buttons within the email. This will automatically update the Alert within intelligentcontract.  Please note that the option 'Review' will only be displayed if the linked person is a User of the system.

Fig 1 - Alert email 

Once the Alert is triggered it will be marked as 'overdue' on the assigned person's Navigation Menu as a number in a red circle.

Fig 2 - Alert action

TIP: Linked People will only receive the Alert email if they have 'Communication Enabled' flag activated on their Person record

TIP: Alerts will only be sent out to Users with a licence and that are 'Active' (i.e. with no end date reached)

Note: Read Only Users have the ability to Snooze and Complete Alerts.  If the Alert is Recurring then on Completion a new Alert will be created.

Note: Alerts cannot be Completed or Snoozed before they have reached their maturity date.

Alerts can be accessed via the main Alert option. The Alert summary screen will be displayed, and only Alerts that you are directly linked to will be visible. You can use the filter fields to search for specific Alerts or select an alternative View from the drop down menu to show specific types of Alerts. 

Fig 3 - Alerts Views

Below shows a summary of all 'My Current Alerts'. However, you may only wish to see Alerts for a particular Party. You can enter filter text in the relevant search fields to filter your results.

Fig 4 - Alert summary screen


Documents can be attached to the Alert if required. Copies of these Documents will be attached to the Alert email, and enable linked people to review them without having to log into intelligentcontract.

Note: When attaching Documents to an Alert, there is a limit on the size of the file(s) that can be sent in the email.  If you have attached one or more documents that exceed a size limit of 6mb in total, then the Alert email will still go to the intended recipients. However, the email WILL NOT contain the attachments.

In these instances, Users can log into their intelligentcontract account and review the Alert record. This will contain the attachments for them to review.

Complete / Snooze

Each Alert has a Complete and Snooze function once it has been triggered. If a linked person Snoozes the Alert, it will sleep for the required number of days and then begin to Alert again. The Alerts will keep sending email notifications to complete based upon the accounts Alert frequency value (see below) until a linked person either Snoozes the Alert again or Completes it.  Snooze days are pre-set in the User Configuration area.

Alert Dates

  • Alert Date Setting  - This is the date that the Alert will be triggered. Once triggered an email will be sent to all linked people and will be marked as 'overdue' on their Menu as shown above
  • Recur Rule - This will allow you to set if the Alert is to recur an a regular basis. Once the existing alert is completed then it will be reset to trigger again based on this information

Once an Alert is created, it can be viewed, edited , deleted, or archived in the way all other records can be. The Audit section displays all changes that were made to the Alert record.  Below is an example of a full Alert record:

Fig 5 - Completed Alert record

Alerts can also be added directly to a Contract, Person, or Party record via the tabs at the bottom of the record.  Go into the record and scroll to the bottom. Select the Alert tab and press [New]. The Alert screen will pop up to allow you to complete.

Fig 6 - Creating an Alert within a record

TIP: Once created, the Alert can be viewed in the Alert Summary screen

Alert Notification Bounces

If for any reason an email notification is bounced the 'Communication Enabled' tick box against the Person record is automatically set to 'No' to prevent any further bounces - this must be set back to 'Yes' once the bounce issue has been resolved so they can continue to receive intelligentcontract email notifications.

Alert Configurations

There are a number of Configuration settings that can be applied to your Alerts.

Navigate to: Configuration => General Configuration => Manage Account Configuration

Fig 7 - Alert Configuration Settings

Configuration SettingAction
Alert FrequencyThe amount of days before an incomplete Alert email reminder is sent out
Allow Users to schedule recurring Alerts based upon completion dateIf set to 'Yes', when an Alerts is completes, if it is set to recur the User will have the option to either schedule the new Alert either from the original date setting or from the Date the alert was completed.

i.e. Alert set to trigger 01-Jan-2020 and recur annually
If the User completes the Alert 03-Jan-2020 they will have the option to either schedule the next alert to the original set date + 1 year - 01-Jan-2021, or from the date they completed the prior alert +1 year - 03-Jan-2021

If set to 'No' then the Alert will recur from the original set date + recur time
Allow External People to receive Alerts?If set to 'yes' then when a Role is allocated to an Alert then any External person assigned with this Role will also receive the Alert.
Days to wait before sending Measurement reminderThe amount of days before an incomplete KPI Measurement reminder email is sent out
Send a single "digest" reminder email per person per dayIf set to 'Yes' then any outstanding Alert reminder will be sent in a digest email.

If set to 'No' then all Alert reminder emails will be sent as individual emails, per Alert.
Carry attachments forward when an Alert recursIf set to 'Yes' if a recurring Alert has an attachments, the next Alert created via Recur will also contain this original attachment.

If set to 'No' the next Alert created via Recur will have no attachments.