intelligentcontract enables you to search the entire database to find the record you are looking for. In the Navigation panel there is a 'Search' option, when you start typing in this field the solution will display a list of records that have text that match your search criteria.
The Global Search feature is matching where it can find manually added data by a User. These could be in fields such as Title, Name, Addresses, Telephone Numbers, Notes or Descriptions for example.
By default, the search will display all your matches, but you can filter the results by clicking on the relevant icons that appear at the top of the results, a hover description will appear to tell you which feature the icon refers to. When the icon is clicked the results will update showing you only the matches relevant to the feature you have selected. To see them all again, then select the [All] option.
If you have matches across many features then you may see the […] button may appear at the end of the panel, click this button to open a drop down to display all the remaining features where a value has been matched.
Click the record you require in the results and the solution will automatically open that record.
Fig 1 - Searching the database
TIP: The search function requires at least 2 characters to begin a search
The 'Include Document Contents?' option will also allow you to search within any documents that have been uploaded into the system, therefore you can find all documents that contain text that match your search text.
Select the Document you require and the solution will automatically open the document record.
Note: System generated data such as ID’s, Types, Value set options, tick box’s, links to other features such as People or Parties and Dates are not included in the search. This has been developed to make the results of the search quicker, cleaner and more meaningful.
Searching for a record using the above values however is still easily completed by using the View and Filter functionalities that are already included in your account. Please refer to these articles for further details Views, Filtering and Sorting