Approval Rules are based first on the entity Type (Contract, Contract Document, Party) and then optional Criteria can be added using any field within that entity. I.e. Contract Start Date, Contract Document Type, Party Country.
This will allow you to have multiple Approval Rules for a entity but each one is based upon differing Criteria.
This Criteria is used so that when a record is submitted for Approval, Users are offered relevant Approval Rules based upon the records data and the criteria details.
Creating a Rule
Navigate to Configuration -> Approvals-> Rules
- Click on [New] to create a new Approval Rule
- Name - Give your new rule a Name
- Entity Type - Choose the entity this Rule is for - Contract, Contract Document or Party
- Contract Value Criteria - Click on the cog icon to open the 'Edit Criteria' screen
The pop up screen will list every field from the entity on the left hand side, any field can be used to specify Criteria.
Select any field and drag across to the 'Criteria section. Once dropped, a pop up will appear for you to define your Criteria information.
There are 5 types of pop up that will appear based upon the field you select, Text, Numeric, Date, Drop down, Checkbox. The pop up will change dependant on your chosen field.
There is a separate article about Working with Filters with relation to Reports. In this feature 'Criteria' fields are 'Filter' fields but the functionality of the pop ups work in exactly the same way.
Please refer to this article for in depth explanations on each type of field pop up and how to use the various options available.
You can add as many Criteria fields as you wish, this article also explains how to add multiple Criteria fields and how to use the [AND] and [OR] definitions.
- To edit exiting Criteria click the cog icon on the field to open the pop up again to adjust.
- If you wish to remove a selection then click the 'x' on the selection
Priority: Set a Priority for the Rule, the highest number for a Priority will apply first
- I.e. For given Rules numbered 1 - 10, the number 10 rule will be applied first
- Given multiple Rules with the same Priority number, the first Rule that was created with that Priority number will be applied first
- Approvers- There are 2 options to add Approvers:
- Select Approvers on submission - this option will allow the User to create an bespoke Approval route.
When this Approval Rule is selected the the Submitter can use the 'Select Approvers' option to choose the Approvers for this Approval request.
- Define Approvers - this option will allow you to use the flow screen to build you Approval Route - click the [Edit] button to open the 'Define Approvers' flow screen
The 'Define Approvers' flow screen uses drag and drag functionality to allow you to build your approval in a visual way.
Each Approval Rule is made up of a series of steps. Each Rule has a Start Step and an End step by default.
Click on the 'New Approval Step' option and drag over to the flow and position the new step within the flow.
A blue dot will inform you which step this new step is linked to based upon the position in the flow you choose.
Once dropped, an 'Edit Step' pop up will appear for you to add the step details.
Here you can enter:
- Title - This will appear throughout your Approval request so a relevant step name is required i.e. for a step for a Legal team to approve the step Name can be 'Legal'
- Approvers List - Use the 'Add Approvers' option to add one or more Approvers to this step - these can be individuals or a Group
- The Flow Step Input (the step prior to this one) - adjust if required
- The Flow Ste Output (the step after this one) - adjust if required
Note: The system will automatically default the Input and Output (prior and next) step based upon its location in the flow. This can be updated by changing these 'Flow' values - if you do update these values then your step may move location within the flow after saving.
Continue to add steps until all steps in the Approval Rule are entered.
When a step is placed the flow link lines will appear blue when a step is hovered over, this shows you the Input (prior) and Output (next) step that step is linked to to guide you in visualising the Approval route.
If you hover over a Approver value then a small pop up will appear with the email address of the selected Approver. This will allow you to ensure that the Approval request will be sent out to the right email. If a Group is hovered over then the pop up will list all Users within the Group with their email address.
Moving Steps
Once you have entered all your steps you can use the drag and drop functionality to move steps around as you see fit - the flow will update based on the position you are holding the step at.
The blue dot and the link lines will help you see where the step will be linked. When you are happy with a steps position in the flow, drop the step and it will move location.
Flow Screen features
- The flow screen can be zoomed in and out to be able to view the whole flow
- Use the expand icon to open the screen to a full screen to make it easier to see the full flow is required - use the Collapse icon to exit the full screen
- There are Undo, Redo and Reset button to help you with your Rule building
Once all the Approvers have been defined and are in the correct position, [Save] the flow. The Define Approvers flow screen will close back to the Approval Rule record.
Art this point you MUST press [Save] on the Approval Rule record to save both the record and the Approval Rule flow that you have created - if you do NOT save at this point then your defined Approval Flow will be lost.
Once [Saved] the record will display a list of all the selected Approvers and you will have an option 'Show Approval Flow' - this will allow you to view the flow you have created.
This is a view only look at the Flow for you to double check the information.
If you need to make changes to the Approval Rule flow, either add/remove/edit Approvers, Steps or step positions, you must edit the 'Approvers' field and click the [Edit] button again to open the Edit Approvers flow screen.
Once saved your Approval Rule will be displayed in the Approval Rule Summary screen
If you now create a record that falls within your Rule Type and criteria then you will be offered this Rule for selection. Once selected you can click on the cog icon to view the Approval Flow to make sure you have selected the correct Rule for your record.
Note: If you have existing Approval Rules with Users selected and consequently they have been unseated (licence removed) then your Rules must be updated to reflect this for good housekeeping purposes.
intelligentcontract will not prevent you from sending out Approval requests to unseated Users but we will warn you along the way.
When you unseat a User if they are part of an Approval Rule the system will tell you, you should then update those Rules accordingly.
If you manually select an unseated User the system will tell you as you progress the Approval request but it will not prevent the request for being sent.