When an Approval request is created and updated the system will automatically create a Transaction records to reflect this. The Approval Transactions for a request can be viewed within the Approval record.
Navigate to: Approvals, open an Approval record
Each action that is actioned for the Approval request will create an appropriate Approval Transaction record, these records will be created when:
- Approval request is created
- Approval is Granted by Approver
- Approval is Granted by Admin
- Approval is Rejected by Approver
- Approval is Rejected by Admin
- Approval Route is altered
- Approver / Approval Group is removed
- New Approver is assigned
- Approval Notification is sent
- Approval is complete
Each Approval transaction will detail the day and time the action was generated, if it is System or Approver generated and will also display any notes that were entered when the action took place.