When an Approval request is sent out, Approvers receive the requests via email.  There are a number of ways that the User can action and Approval request:

Actioning Approval Requests via the Contract Screen

The user can action the Approval request via the Contract screen, open up the contract and if there is an Approval request for the User then the top right section will display the [Approval activity] button for the User to process the Approval request.

Fig 1 - Contract screen Approval

  • Open up the Contract
  • Click on the [Approval Activity] option
  • Select either [Approve] or [Reject]
  • If the 'Confirmation Required' option has been switched on in Approval Configuration, the user will be presented with an additional screen and must [Confirm] to continue with the action
  • The user will be requested to add a Note for the Approve / Reject action 
  • Click [Approve] / [Reject] to process
  • An Approval transaction record is created for this action 
  • The status of the Contract Approval will be updated accordingly
  • If Approved, the current Approver will receive email confirmation of their action and the next Approver will receive email notification that their Approval is required for the contract  
  • If Rejected, then the current Approver will receive email confirmation of their action and all previous Approvers will receive email notification
  • The Submitter will receive email notification that this Approver has actioned the request

Fig 2 - Approval request action Note

Actioning Approval Requests via the Approval Feature

Users can process the Approval request via the Approvals option in the Navigation bar.  If there is an Approval outstanding for the User then there will be a red circle with the number of outstanding Approvals numbered.

If the user clicks on the red circle then the Approval Summary screen will be displayed with the view of 'Approvals Requiring my Attention' and all Approvals requiring the users processing will be listed.  

Changing the View to 'All Approvals' will display all Approvals that have been requested complete or incomplete

The view of 'Approvals in Progress' will display all Approvals that are still awaiting Approval processing

Fig 3 - Approvals via the Navigation bar

Approval via Approval Summary Screen

The User can action the Approve request via the Approval summary screen using the [...] more action option to the left of the record.  

The User will be presented with options to either [Approve] or [Reject] the Approval Request

If the User is the submitter or an Administrator they they will see the additional options to [Edit Approvers], [Cancel Approval] or to [Send Approval Notification]

Fig 4 - Approval via Approval Summary screen

  • Select either [Approve] or [Reject]
  • If the 'Confirmation Required' option has been switched on in Approval Configuration, the user will be presented with an additional screen and must [Confirm] to continue with the action
  • The user will be requested to add a Note for the Approve / Reject action
  • Click [Approve] / [Reject] to process
  • An Approval transaction record is created for this action 
  • The status of the Contract Approval will be updated accordingly
  • If Approved, the current Approver will receive email confirmation of their action and the next Approver will receive email notification that their Approval is required for the contract  
  • If Rejected, then the current Approver will receive email confirmation of their action and all previous Approvers will receive email notification
  • The Submitter will receive email notification that this Approver has actioned the request

Approval from an Approval Record

If the User opens up an Approval record they they can review the full details of the Approval request along with viewing the Approval status and the Approval Transaction Notes.

Fig 5 - Approval Request record

  • Select either [Approve] or [Reject]
  • If the 'Confirmation Required' option has been switched on in Approval Configuration, the user will be presented with an additional screen and must [Confirm] to continue with the action
  • The user will be requested to add a Note for the Approve / Reject action
  • Click [Approve] / [Reject] to process
  • An Approval transaction record is created for this action 
  • The status of the Contract Approval will be updated accordingly
  • If Approved, the current Approver will receive email confirmation of their action and the next Approver will receive email notification that their Approval is required for the contract  
  • If Rejected, then the current Approver will receive email confirmation of their action and all previous Approvers will receive email notification
  • The Submitter will receive email notification that this Approver has actioned the request

When the last Approver has actioned the Approval request the Submitter and everyone in the Approval Route will receive an email with a summary of all the Approval transactions, containing who actioned the Approval request and their Notes entered.

Fig 6 - Completed Approval email

Note: Approval requests are subject to Security, if you have been assigned an Approval and when actioned you receive a Forbidden message, this will be because you do not have the correct Security credentials to view the record and approve.  Please contact your Administrator to adjust you Security access.