Creating a Party Group

A Party Group can be created for both internal and external parties, it is a way of grouping together common Parties to enable you to view corresponding contract data and also allow you to generate reports based upon a certain group.  

To view existing Party Groups or to create a new one Navigate to -> Party Groups

Fig 1 - Party Group Summary screen

To create a new Party Group, click the [New] button and give the Group a Name and a Type and press [Save]

Fig 2 - Creating a Party Group

Adding a Party to a Party Group

A Party is added to a Group within the Party form, by adding the field 'Party Group' to your Party form you can allocate the Party to one of the Groups you have created.

Fig 3 - Party form

Use the search and find options within the field to select the correct Party Group.

Fig 4 - Party Group field

Once the Party Group field has been updated on the Party group form, the concerned Parties will be presented when the Party Group record is opened.

Fig 5 - Parties in a Group

The tab displays at the bottom of the form inform you of:

  • All Parties associated to the selected Group
  • Notes can be added about the Group and are displayed as such
  • All the Contracts linked to the Parties within the Group are displayed
  • The Audit trail tab will display any changes made to the Group details