This article describes how to install and configure the external data reporting plugin.


Note: Access to the Plugin must be requested via the helpdesk, once access is granted, you can edit the Plugin information or uninstall the Plugin from your account – once uninstalled you must again send a request to the helpdesk if you wish to install it again.


Navigate to => Configuration => Plugins


Once you have received confirmation that the feature is now activated you will see a new Plugin option called External Reporting.


Fig 1 - External Reporting Plugin


Click [Install] to activate the feature.


When opened you will be required to 'Allow-List' all the IP addresses that need access to your database tables.


If you are using an External Reporting Tool then you will need to provide the IP address range for the Reporting Tool that you are using.  To find out the IP addresses of your chosen Reporting tool, please contact your provider and request their IP address range(s) to be able to 'Allow-List' them.

Note: Full IP address ranges cannot be entered, you will need to enter the shortened version of the IP range for your selected data center.

If you are using an Installed Reporting Tool on local machines then you will need your Users to give you their IP addresses from the machines they are using, they can quickly find out their IP address by going to


Once retrieved, enter the IP addresses separated by a comma, and press [Install]


Fig 2 – IP Data Entry

Note: If you have previously entered IP addresses and need to either add more or remove any, just open up the Plugin again, make your adjustments in the 'Allow-List' IP addresses field and then press [Install] again, this will update the information.

Once you have installed the plugin the screen will update and provide you with the connection details required to link your Reporting Tool to your intelligentcontract database.


Now open your chosen Reporting Tool and connect to your intelligentcontract database using the connection details.


You will now be able to access your intelligentcontract tables and pull data into your required report or dashboard.


The following article provides an example of the steps involved in connecting an external reporting tool to the external data reporting database, Example of connecting to a Reporting Tool.


To help you understand the database structure attached to this article is our Database schema file - this will list all the tables and identify how each one is linked to each other. See the following article , External Data Reporting schema.


If you have any questions about this feature or if you are interested in adding this to your subscription, please contact us and we will be happy to help.