By default, every Sub Tab record inherits its Security Group value from the header.  For example, if you have set a Contract record to have a header Security Group of 'Legal (rw)', then every record created in its Sub Tabs will also inherit this value.

A records header Security Group details are displayed in the Security Group pop up, (padlock icon).

Fig 1 - Security Groups for a header record

A records Sub Tab Security Group details are displayed in the Sub Tab Security Template pop up (page icon)

Fig 2 - Security Groups for a Sub Tab record

Each Security Group has permission options of Read Write (rw) and Read Only (ro).

This means that you could have a Contract header record with a Security Group of 'Legal (rw)', but adjust the Contract Document Sub Tab to have 'Legal (ro)', so they can only VIEW the Document records, not add or remove them. 

For more information about setting up and using the Security Group feature in your account click here.

When you are importing new or modifying existing records, it is possible to set these header and Sub Tab Security Group values.  This means that you can preset all your records Security values before the records have been created. When they are created via Import, the system will apply the Security Group information you have specified.

When you generate an Import .csv file, there are four columns at the end of the file that directly relate to setting your Security requirements.

Fig 3 - Import file Security Columns

Security Groups

This column refers to the Security Groups to be applied to the main header record.  

  • You must stipulate each required Security Group with its (r/w) or (r/o) permissions
  • If you wish to apply multiple Security Groups then they must be separated in the csv file using a pipe separator character. 

            i.e. Facilities (ro)|Finance (rw)|HR (rw)|Legal (rw)

  • If the column is left blank, the system will default the Security Group of Everyone (r/w) to each record in the file.

Sub-Tab record Security Type 

This column refers to the behaviour of your records Sub Tabs Security.  There are three text options for this column:

  • 'Inherit from header' - this will default the specified header Security Groups to the all Sub Tab records
  • 'All sub-entities' - this will allow you to specify Security Groups different to the header and apply to all Sub Tabs
  • 'Individual sub-entities' - this will allow you to specify Security Groups different to the header and apply to specific Sub Tabs.

Note: If you do not have any specific values to apply to the sub tabs then you can either:

  • Fill the column with 'Inherit from header' values
  • Remove the column from the file 
  • Ignore the column during mapping

In the above 2 cases, the system will then default 'Inherit from header' automatically

If you map the column and it is blank in the file the validation will give an error asking for a value

Sub-Tab record Security Groups

This column refers to the Security Groups to be applied to the Sub Tabs.  The values you enter here will depend on your selection in the prior column 'Sub Tab record Security Type'.  Note - 'Sub entities' = Sub Tab

For the prior Security Type selection of 'All sub-entities' you would enter the Security Group value followed by the (ro/rw) identifier,

Active Contracts (rw)

To assign multiple Security Groups you should enter the values separated by a pipe | character.  

Head Office (ro) |  High Priority (rw)

For the prior Security Type selection of 'Individual sub-entities' you must stipulate the Sub Tab entity name value followed by the Security Group with its (ro/rw) identifier within square brackets [ ]

Contract Document [Head Office (ro)]

To assign multiple Security Groups to one Sub Tab you should enter the values separated by a , character within the bracket.  

Contract Person [Active Contracts (ro),High Priority (rw)]

To enter multiple Sub Tabs with a Security Group you should separate each sub entity with the pipe separator

Contract Person [Active Contracts (ro)|Contract Document [Active Contracts (rw)]

To enter multiple Sub Tabs with Multiple Security Groups all the above must be combined, use the , the [ ] and the pipe separator character as explained above.

Contract Person [Active Contracts (ro),High Priority (rw)]|Contract Document [Active Contracts (rw),Legal (ro)]

Sub Tab record excluded Security Groups

This column refers to any Security Group that you do NOT wish your Sub Tabs to inherit from the header.  This will only work in conjunction with the prior Security Type selection of 'Inherit from header' and will apply to all Sub Tabs

Enter the Security Group value - in this case you do not need the (r/w), (r/o) identifier.  For multiple Security Groups use the pipe | separator.

Head Office |  High Priority

All Sub Tabs will inherit all header Security Groups except for the ones detailed in this column.

Once you have completed your .csv file with your relevant Security Group allocation, continue the Import process, mapping the new fields as normal - any errors will be displayed during the validation process.

Fig 4 - Mapping the Passed-Down Security field during import