This article will detail how to action a Collaboration that you have been made a part of via the Pre portal screen rather than logging into your intelligentcontract account.
If you do not have an account or are not a User of intelligentcontract then you can still be part of and work on a Collaboration that you have been included in.
When you are part of a Collaboration you will receive Notification via an email as below. As with all the email notifications sent out during a Collaboration the email address it comes from is '[email protected]'.
This email address may have been diverted so please check you Spam and Junk folders if you do not receive it. This is a 'Do Not Reply' email address so reply's to the email will not be sent.
Fig 1 - Collaboration Notification Email
The email will contain various information about the Collaboration that has been created:
- Title: Title given to the Collaboration
- Status: Status of the Collaboration (This could be Live, or Complete)
- Submitted by: The person that created the Collaboration record in intelligentcontract - this may be someone other than your Contact who has created the Collaboration on their behalf
- Submission Note: Initial instructions to all Collaborators for this specific Collaboration
- End Date: The Date this Collaboration must be completed by
- List of Collaborators: All the other Collaborators included in the Collaboration and their email addresses
The bottom line in each email Notification will contain a link - use this link to access the Collaboration, the link will open the latest version of the Collaboration. When clicked, it will open a new web browser session and present either the Collaboration record or the Password screen.
Note: Internet Explorer is no longer a supported browser, please use Chrome, Edge or Firefox.
The Person that created the Collaboration record may have added extra security and set a password to access the Collaboration.
This password should have been sent to you separately (manually sent by the creator of the Collaboration) when you click the link you will be presented with this screen, enter the password provided to you and then press [Submit].
Fig 2 - Collaboration Password
Once you have accessed the Collaboration record you will be presented with the Collaboration screen.
Note: Users of intelligentcontract can action the Collaboration this way but they also have the [Log in and review] option if they prefer.
Fig 3 - Collaboration Portal
The pre portal will display all the details of the Collaboration and its current Collaborator(s) status, including any Notes and the Document File History.
The [...] option on the top right will allow you to view the Collaboration Details

Fig 4 - Collaboration Options
This will tell you who the Creator of the Collaboration is along with Collaboration information such as Start and End dates and time left.

Fig 5 - Collaboration Details
You can use the [...] Action button next to each of the Collaboration Documents

Fig 6 - Document Actions
Collaborators can Edit, Download, Rename, Replace the document as per their Collaborator requirements and view its Version History within the Collaboration cycle.
Editing a Document
If someone else is already editing a Document then the pre portal screen will present a padlock icon, if you hover over this then you will see who is currently editing and for how long. Multiple Collaborators can edit the same document at the same time.
Fig 7 - Document already in Edit
When you choose the option of 'Edit' this will update the page to display the document.
If other Collaborators are editing the same file this will be displayed in the screen by clicking on the profile icon.
Note: If you are editing a Word document then track changes will be automatically turned on, you can accept/decline changes or switch off track changes in the normal way.
Fig 8 - Editing a Document
When you have completed your edits use the [Save and Close] button to close the screen.
If you close the window and someone else is still editing the document then you will see a message saying your changes will be saved when the last Collaborator closes the Document.
Fig 9 - Saving a Edited Document
If you are the last person to close the Document you will be presented with a pop up screen with a default Note of who has made changes, you can overwrite or add to this Note text.
Fig 10 - Saving an Edited Document
The system will automatically increase the version of the document. All edits made to the Document will be displayed in the File History tab along with the Note entered. Unless the Collaborator creator has selected not to display any previous versions of the Document to Collaborators.
Fig 11 - File History
Downloading a Document
If you select the Download option, this will open up a version of the Document to your desktop, this will allow you to make amendments to the Document offline if you prefer
Fig 12 - Downloading a Document
Replacing a Document
If you have downloaded a version of the Document and now wish to upload the updated version to the Collaboration for others to see then you choose the option of 'Upload a Replacement file'
A small pop up screen will appear allowing you to select your updated Document, the version will be increased and you can add a Note.
Fig 13 - Replacing a Document
Your new version Document will appear in the collaboration and will be reference in the File History tab along with your Note.
Fig 14 - Updated File History
Renaming a Document
You may wish to rename a Document that has been added to a Collaboration, choose the option of 'Rename'
Fig 15 - Renaming a Document
A small pop up screen will appear allowing you to enter the updated Document name, the version will be increased and you can add a Note.
Fig 16 - File History
Your renamed Document will appear in the Collaboration and will be reference in the File History tab along with your Note.
File History
The File History tab will allow you to view all the changes and updates to each document within the Collaboration. If you wish to see the Version History for a specific Document then you click on the [..] option next to the specific Document choose the option of 'Version History'.
When selected a pop up will appear detailing all the previous versions of this Document during the Collaboration.
Fig 17 - Version History
Each Document Version line has an added [...] Action button where you can either restore, view or download a previous Version.
Note: If the Collaborator creator has chosen not to present previous version of a document then the option will not be presented.
Adding Notes to a Collaboration
You can add Notes to the Collaboration using the Note tab - click the [Add Note] button and a small pop up will appear - you can add your Note here and press [Save]
Fig 18 - Adding a Note
The new Note will be added to the Notes tab, and all Collaborators will receive an email notification.
Fig 19 - Note tab
Complete your edits until you have finished all your Collaboration work and are ready to Complete your part in the Collaboration.
Completing a Collaboration
Click on the [...] Action button on the top right of the screen and choose the option of Complete my Collaboration.
Select the option and you will be prompted with a Note, adjust the text if required and press [Complete]
Fig 20 - Pre-portal Complete Collaboration Note
The screen will update with a confirmation message, all Collaborators will receive an email notification of your Action.
Fig 21 - Collaboration Complete Confirmation
If you have completed your Collaboration by mistake then you must contact the Creator of the Collaboration (externally) and they can re-activate your participation, you will be notified of this via an email Notification.