You may wish to update your data on a mass scale rather that individual records at a time, you can do this by using the tools in the Import Workbench to help you create your files.

Once your file is created and you are in the Import workbench in the first tab, you are presented with an empty grid.  

On the top right of the screen there is a [...] icon, click here and you will see various options for you.  The first 5 options are ways that you can obtain your data for use in the Import feature.

Fig 1 - Import Workbench options

  • Populate with existing data
  • Download a populated template
  • Load New data from file
  • Upload Attachments
  • Download Blank Template

Populate with existing data 

Choosing this option will fill the grid with all your existing data from your account for the template tab you have selected. The Transaction Type will default to M - Modify as the system will assume you are wanting to modify existing data.

Fig 2 - Pre populated data

Go across each template tab and choose the option of 'Populate with existing data' to fill the template grids  with your existing account records.

You can make alterations to any values in the rows, as you update, the system will validate your adjustments, and any errors will be presented.

Once all your adjustments are done and errors are adjusted the [Start Import] button will become active, click to process and your file will be sent to the Data Import Queue for processing, once processed your account will update with all your adjusted data.

Download a populated template

This option will send a fully populated csv file to the Data Work Queue area, here you can download the file and make offline adjustments to the file as required, once completed you can then load this adjusted file into your account as detailed below.

Fig 3 - Populated File download

Fig 4 - Populated template for download

Download contents of grid

When selected, you can download a copy of all the current contents of the grid into a csv file.  When clicked the csv file will either open automatically in Excel or will be stored in your Download file area.

Fig 5 - Download contents of the grid

Load new data from a file

When selected, a pop up will appear allowing you to upload a csv file.

Fig 6 - Uploading a file

Once the file is uploaded you will be presented with a popup requesting you to map the fields in your csv file to the fields in your account.  

The fields on the left are the columns in your csv file, the fields on the right are the available fields in your account. The system will try to match if it can, if it cannot match then it will default 'ignore'.  Use the Target Fields drop down to see all the available fields and select the correct field to map to.

If you do not map a field then it will be ignored in the Import.

Fig 7 - Field Mapping

Once mapped, your data will populate in the grid, the system will validate all the values in your uploaded file to your account, any errors found will be highlighted.

Fig 8 - Data populated from a csv file

You can make alterations to any values in the rows, as you update, the system will validate your adjustments, and any errors will be presented.

Note: If you have pre-populated or uploaded an Import file into your sheet then an initial validation process will occur. There may be instances where there are initial errors that you did not know about.


These types of errors can sometime occur if you already have data in your account and then subsequently make a field mandatory, or have deleted a value set value but not updated records that contain this value.  

If you were manually updating the record, if you try to save, the screen will give you an error and ask for the mandatory fields to be populated.  

The Import process works the same way, even if you are not modifying these fields or have even included these fields in your Import file as they are mandatory then they will still need to be provided to be able to complete the Import, this may result in you updating unknown errors or modifying your Import file to include these values.

Once all your adjustments are done and errors are adjusted the [Start Import] button will become active, click to process and your file will be sent to the Data Import Queue for processing, once processed your account will update with all your adjusted data.

Upload attachments

This option will only appear for templates where an Attachment can be loaded i.e. Contract Notes, Documents, Alerts etc.

Fig 9 - Upload Attachment option

Please click here for more details on Import attachments.

Local Links

If you are choosing not to upload physical Documents, but rather utilising the Local Links function, then the file name column should reflect the External Link path.  Please refer to the Local Links article for full details how to enable this feature, and refer to the Usage section on how to copy the External Link path to paste into your CSV file.

Download a blank template

When selected, the system will generate a blank csv file automatically in an excel pop up to your machine, this csv file will contain your template headers ready for you to add data off line,  once your file is complete you can upload into your account as detailed above.


Fig 10 - Generated Blank template

Clear Grid

Clearing the grid will remove all data currently populated, you cannot retrieve this information once you have cleared the grid so a warning will be given.

Fig 11 - Clear grid warning

Edit Import Set

This option will take you back to the Import Workbench screen where you can make alterations to you file such as newnaming, adding a Description or add/removing template selections

Fig 12 - Updating file details

Once you have make you updates, press [Next] this will take you back to the main screen with the grid.  Press [Save] to save these file updates.