You can manually enter data into the grid going across the columns and populating the relevant cells. 

The first column in every grid will be the Transaction Type - this option tells the system whether you are intending to A - Add data to the account , M - Modify existing data that is already in the account or D - Delete existing data in the account.  You most choose either A, M, or D in this cell for every row.

Adding Data

If you wish to add data in your Import then the Transaction Type selection should be 'A'.  When this value is selected the rest of the fields on the corresponding row will be open for you to update, except the record ID reference, in this case column B - Contract.

The ID reference is a unique identifier generated by the system automatically, if you are adding data then the system will automatically generate this value during Import.

Manually add each relevant value in each cell across the row, some fields will have drop down lists provided to select valid values.  As you enter data validation will occur, any mandatory missing or invalid values will be highlighted. 

Fig 1 - Adding Data

To add further rows, right click on any cell in a row and you will have a drop down option to add/remove a row above or below the existing one.  You can add singular rows or multiple rows.

Fig 2 - Adding/removing rows

Modifying Data

If you wish to modify data in your Import then the Transaction Type selection should be 'M'.  When this value is selected the record ID reference, in this case column B - Contract, will present you with a + option and will be highlighted in red as it is now mandatory to select an existing value for modification. 

Fig 3 - Mandatory record selection

Click the + sign and you will see a drop down list that you can use to find your record (you can also use the search facility to find your record).

Fig 4 - Record selection drop down list

Alternatively you can use the magnifying glass to find the record required, this will present you with a 'Find' screen which displays further information for you to be able to search and find the relevant record.

Fig 5 - Find screen

Once the required record is selected it will populate in the cell, displaying both the record ID and the record name to make it easier to recognise for the User.

Fig 6 - Record selection and data population

The rest of the row will pre-populate with the records associated data.  You can adjust the data in the row as you require, subject to validation.

If you have selected the wrong record then you can either use the + option again to select an alternative record - it will replace the one already displayed.  

Or you can double click in the cell, this will open up the cell for editing and you can manually change the ID reference to another if you know it.  The row will update to reflect the new record details when enter is pressed.

Fig 7 - Editing the ID cell

If you wish to add more data for modification then use the right click option to add more rows..

Deleting Data

If you wish to delete data in your Import the Transaction Type selection should be 'D'.  When this value is selected the record ID reference (in this case column B - Contract) will present you with a + option. 

Figure 8 - Delete option

Click here to use the drop down list or magnifying glass to find the record required, once selected the rest of the row will pre-populate with its associated data but will be greyed out and none editable as your intention is to delete the entire record.

If you change any of the Transaction Type values A = > D etc then the row accessibility will update accordingly.

Archive and Modify

If you wish to Archive data in your Import then the Transaction Type selection should be 'ARM'.  When this value is selected the record ID reference, in this case column B - Contract, will present you with a + option and will be highlighted in red as it is now mandatory to select an existing record for Archive. 

Fig 9 - ARM Mandatory record selection

Click the + sign and you will see a drop down list that you can use to find your record (you can also use the search facility to find your record).

Fig 10 - Record selection drop down list

Alternatively you can use the magnifying glass to find the record required, this will present you with a 'Find' screen which displays further information for you to be able to search and find the relevant record.

Fig 11 - Find screen

Once the required record is selected it will populate in the cell, displaying both the record ID and the record name to make it easier to recognise for the User.

Fig 12 - Record selection and data population

The rest of the row will pre-populate with the records associated data.  You can modify the data in the row as you require, subject to validation.

If you have selected the wrong record then you can either use the + option again to select an alternative record - it will replace the one already displayed.  

Or you can double click in the cell, this will open up the cell for editing and you can manually change the ID reference to another if you know it.  The row will update to reflect the new record details when enter is pressed.

Fig 13 - Editing the ID cell

If you wish to add more records to Archive then use the right click option to add more rows.

Unarchive and Modify

If you wish to UnArchive data in your Import then the Transaction Type selection should be 'UAM'.  When this value is selected the record ID reference, in this case column B - Contract, will present you with a + option and will be highlighted in red as it is now mandatory to select an existing record for Archive. 

Fig14 - UAM Mandatory record selection

Click the + sign and you will see a drop down list that you can use to find your record (you can also use the search facility to find your record). This drop down will only contain records that have already been Archived.

Fig 15 - Record selection drop down list

Alternatively you can use the magnifying glass to find the record required, this will present you with a 'Find' screen which displays further information for you to be able to search and find the relevant record.

Fig 16 - Archive Find screen

Once the required record is selected it will populate in the cell, displaying both the record ID and the record name to make it easier to recognise for the User.

Fig 17 - Record selection and data population

The rest of the row will pre-populate with the records associated data.  You can modify the data in the row as you require, subject to validation.

If you have selected the wrong record then you can either use the + option again to select an alternative record - it will replace the one already displayed.  

Or you can double click in the cell, this will open up the cell for editing and you can manually change the ID reference to another if you know it.  The row will update to reflect the new record details when enter is pressed.

Fig 18 - Editing the ID cell

If you wish to add more records to Archive then use the right click option to add more rows.

The grid will validate entries made into each cell, if for any reason there is an error then they will be highlighted.  All errors across all templates must be resolved before an Import can sent for processing.

For more information about how to use the grid and how to us all its tools and options and features, please click here.