When a Task reaches its Task Date Setting value, if you are the 'Assigned To' or 'Monitor' of a Task you will receive an email notification.  The email contains information regarding the Task and a Link to the Task record..  

Fig 1 - Task email

TIP: Task email Notification layouts can be adjusted in the Notification Template option

Clicking the link in the email will open the Task record (you may be prompted to log into the account if you have not already done so).  You can complete the Task by changing the status field to 'Complete'

Fig 2 - Completing a Task via a Task record

The black navigation panel will indicate if there are any Tasks that have been triggered but not yet complete.  The red circle will display the number of Tasks that are still awaiting completion.

If you click on the red circle the Task summary screen will open up displaying the view for 'Tasks requiring action' and only your incomplete Tasks will be displayed.

Fig 3 - Tasks on the Navigation bar

Tasks can be completed within the summary screen without having to open up the Task record. If you hover to the left of each Task record an action icon will appear [...] click here and there will be an option to 'Complete'.

Fig 4 - Completing a Task via the summary screen

Whilst within a Contract or Party record you can view all the Tasks associated to it via the sub tab 'Tasks'.  Tasks can be Completed using the [...] More Actions button option, note again that the icon will not display until you hover your mouse in the column.

Fig 5  - Completing a Task via a sub tab summary screen

Wren you complete a Task you will be prompted with a changed field pop up, here you can add to the Note text that is defaulted in the Note field. The note will be added to the 'Note' sub tab at the bottom of each Task.

Fig 6 - Status Change Note

Once you click on [Change status] then the record status will update and an email notification will be sent to the 'Assigned To' and 'Monitors' of the Task informing of the status change.

Fig 7 - Status Change Notification

Note: Tasks can be completed by Read Only Users, if they are a recurring Task then the next Task will be generated.

Recurring Tasks

If a Task is set to Recur, when the initial Task is completed then a new Task will be automatically created.  The new Task will contain the same information as the original Task but will have a new Task Date Setting value.


The below is a Task to create and provide a monthly report for the 'Container Supplies' contract. When the 1st September 2024 is reached then an email notification will be sent out to the 'Assigned To' and 'Monitors' people listed informing them of this new Task.

Fig 8 - Recurring Task example

Once the Task is done then the 'Assigned To' person can change the status of this Task to 'Complete' by either changing the Status field value on the Task record or using the [...] option to 'Complete' in the summary screens.

When the above example Task is set to 'Complete' then a new Task will automatically be created with a Task Date Setting of 1st October 2024.  When this Task Date Setting is reached then a new email notification will go out to the 'Assigned To' and 'Monitor' people listed informing them of this new Task.

Each time the Task is Completed then a new Task will be created until it reaches the 'Until' value or the latest Task is deleted.

If you have the Setting 'Allow users to schedule recurring Task based upon completion date' set to 'Yes' in the Configuration area, then you will receive an option to choose when the next task should trigger:

Fig 9 - Recur Date selection

If you have a recurring Task and complete it on a date other that the day it was triggered it will ask you if you want the next Task to trigger from the last Task Date or from 'today'.  

So in the above example the prior Task triggered 10-Aug-2024, you have the option to set the next Task to trigger 10-Aug-2025, or 12 months from 'today', in this case 02-Sep-2024.

If you do not have this setting set to 'Yes', then the system will automatically create the next Task from the last Task Date Setting.

Uncompleting a Task

If you have Completed a Task and wish to open it again as it may have been completed by mistake, you can change the status from 'Complete' to another status.  

Open the Task record and manually edit the 'Status' field from complete to another status and [Save].

Once this is done then a Task note pop up screen will appear status that the status has been changed. you can add information to this note if you wish.  The note will be added to the 'Note' sub tab at the bottom of each Task. 

Fig 10 - Status Change Note

This change of status will trigger an email notification to the 'Assigned To' and 'Monitors' people informing them of this status change notification.

Fig 11 - Status Change Email Notification

Uncompleting a Recurring Task

If you Complete a recurring Task then as well as the status changing the Recur value will change to 'Does Not Recur'.  

Fig 12 & 13 - Uncompleting a Recurring Task

If you wish to open the Task again as it may have been completed by mistake, you can change the status from 'Complete' to another status as detailed above.

When this Task is saved the 'Recur' option will remain as 'Does Not Recur' as the next occurrence of the Task will have been already created.

Fig 14 - Reopened Recurring Alert

You can edit the recur option and add a recur value if you wish.

Fig 15 - Recur options

Note: Uncompleting a recurring Task does NOT delete the already created next Task, if you do uncomplete a recurring Task then you may need the review the exiting 'next Task' that had already been created as it may need to be deleted.

Note: All incomplete Tasks will send reminders to the 'Assigned To' person on a regular basis to inform of outstanding Tasks, The frequency of these reminders is held within the Account Configuration screen using the 'Task Frequency' setting.  These reminders will continue until the Task is completes or deleted.