When a Task is created the system will default today as the Task Date Setting, however you can update this value to a future date before saving the record.

The Task will still be created and can be Completed, however, email notification of this Task will not go out until it reaches that Task Date Setting value.  

In the below example there are a number of Tasks that have reached their Task Date Setting value and have been triggered, these triggered 'Task Date Setting' values are presented as red in the column. 

The Tasks that have not yet reached their Task Date Setting value will stay grey until reached, then an email notification will then be sent out and the value will turn red.

Email notifications will go out to the 'Assigned To' and 'Monitors' People.

Fig 1 - Task Date Setting

You can also set a 'Expected Resolution Date' this value is an indicator to the User when the Task should be completed by.  If a Task is not completed by its 'Expected Resolution Date' the the value will turn red. 

No email notifications are set out in relation to this date.

Fig 2 - Expected Resolution Date

Recurring and Relative Dates


If you have created an Task to recur then you must stipulate when that Recur should happen, the drop down list will display all the available values. 

Fig 3 - Recur Until a specific Date

Now you must stipulate when the Recurrence should finish:

Until: Specific Date - use the calendar to select a specific date to end the Task recurrence.

Fig 4 - Recur until a Relative Date

Until: Relative Date - use the drop down list to select a relative date to the record you are in to end the Task recurrence. 

This example is a Task created from a Contract record therefore all the Contract Term dates are available for selection.

Fig 5 - Recur Indefinitely

Until: Indefinitely - This option will allow the system to keep creating new Tasks once the previous is completed indefinitely.