When created, every record within the account has a default Security Group set to 'Everyone (rw)'. If you wish to change this Security Group and restrict who can see this record, then you can manually change the Security Group value once the record has been created.

Once a record is created, you will see a padlock icon in the top right. Click here and a small Security Details pop up will open displaying the current Security Group information for the record.

Fig 1 - Header Security Group values

Some accounts may have this Security Group field pulled onto their record layout. Adjustment to the value can be done via the field or within the pop up. Changes to either one will update the other.

Note: The behavior of Security to Sub Tab records is controlled by a setting in your Account Configuration - please read the options available to you - by default the third option is applied to all Accounts, unless manually changed. 

This example is referring to option 2 - Linked, where all updates to Security Groups are applied to new and existing records.

Updating a Security Group value

  • Hover in the Security Groups pop up and an orange [Edit] field will appear. Click here, and the field will open for editing
  • Click in the drop down, search or use the magnifying glass icon to view all the Security Group values you can choose from 
  • When selected, the Security Group permission default will be the green Read Write (r/w). Click the green box and it will update to a orange (r/o). Click again it will go back to green (rw)
  • To remove a selected value, click the white 'x' in the required blue block
  • You can assign as many Security Groups as you wish to a record, each can have different permissions
  • [Save] the field and the new Security settings will apply immediately
  • If the Security Group field has been pulled onto the layout then the update will be reflected in the field.

 Fig 2 Changing header Security Groups

TIP: The (ro) and (rw) permissions will determine if the selected Security Group members can either Edit the record or just view it.

Sub Tab Security Groups

Initially, every record held within a Sub Tab inherits its Security Group values from the header, so for example, if you have set a Contract record to have a top level Security Group of 'Legal (rw)' then every record created in its Sub Tabs will also inherit this Security Group value.  

This is stipulated in the Sub Tab Security Template pop up via the page icon next to the padlock icon.  The pop up will display the Security Groups that currently apply.  

Fig 3 - Sub Tab Security Group values

Note: The behavior of updates to Sub Tab Security Groups is based upon your Account Configuration settings of 'Security Group Sub Tab behavior' more information about these settings can be found here

If you wish to alter a Sub Tabs Security Group, then hover over the pop up and press the orange [Edit] button.  The pop up will expand to show you 3 options:

Inherit from the header, excluding - If you wish to omit a header Security Group value to be inherited by the Sub Tab records then choose this option.  

  • Select the Security Group(s) from the drop down list and [Save]

New or existing Sub Tab records will inherit all the header Security Groups excluding the ones that you have stipulated in this field.

For all sub entities - If you wish to apply Security Groups different than the Header to all the Sub Tabs then choose this option.  

  • Select the Security Group(s) from the drop down list and [Save]

New or existing Sub Tab records will have the Security Groups you have stipulated in this field applied.

For individual sub-entities - If you wish to apply specific Security Groups directly to a specific Sub Tab then choose this option.  

  • Select the Sub Tab (entity) value from the drop down list
  • The radio option will default to 'Same as header' - adjust this to 'Apply' 
  • Select the Security Group(s) from the drop down list 
  • Repeat for each Sub Tab that requires a specific Security Group
  • When all Sub Tabs have been allocated their correct Security Group values and [Save]

New or existing records to these specific Sub Tab will have the Security Groups you have stipulated applied.

Note: Sub Tab Security Group values can only be adjusted via the Sub-tab security Template pop up, there is no option to pull the Sub Tab Security template information onto the form.

You can assign as many Security Groups to each of the Sub Tabs and each with individual permissions.

These Security Groups values allow you to restrict who can see and update a t record and within that record, restrict who can see and update its Sub Tab records, giving you complete control of who has access to what data.