If you have already uploaded an attachment to a record, it can be edited using various options.

When opening an existing record that has attachments you can see its version number and last updated date and time.

Fig 1 Contract Document details

You will see a [...] icon at the end of each attachment, click here to see various options.

Fig 2 - Attachment options

Attachment Options

Download - Download a copy of the document 

This option will download the current version to your device.

Edit - Edit the Document online

This will open an online Document Editor where you can edit the document for your requirements - more details about editing a document online can be found in this article

Add to Collaboration - Link the Document to an existing Collaboration record

This will open up the Collaboration summary screen where you can select and link the attachment to a Collaboration record - if this option is selected then an icon will appear next to the attachment informing of such.

Fig 3 - Add to Collaboration icon

Whilst a document is associated to a Collaboration is cannot be edited via its original record, it can only be edited via the Collaboration.

Rename - Rename your document

This option will allow you to rename the document if required.  As this Rename may result in the version number updating, you also have the option to change the version number at the same time.  Comments can be added to record the reason why the Rename was done.

Fig 4 - Renaming a file

Replace - Replace your document for another

This option is you to fully replace the attached document with another if required.  You can either create a new online document, add one from your device, or pick an existing one up from your Library.  

As this change may result in the version number updating, you also have the option to change the version number at the same time.  Comments can be added to record the reason why the replace was done.

Fig 5 - Replacing a file

Email - Email this Document out

This option allows you to email a copy of this document to another person. This can be either internal or external to intelligentcontract, but they must have a Person record already created.

  • Use the 'People' drop down list or the 'Find' magnifying glass to display all the People that can be selected.
  • Add a Note to the email - this text will appear in the body of the email
  • Press [Send] to send the email and attachment.

Fig 6 - Emailing a file

Convert to PDF/Word - Convert the current file type to PDF or WORD

This option will allow you to convert a PDF file to Word and vice versa.   This conversion results in the version number updating, you also have the option to change the version number at the same time.  Additional comments can be added to the conversion update record with the reason why the conversion was done.

Fig 7 - Converting a file record

These conversion details can be viewed in the Version History of the Document.

Fig 8 - Conversion History details

Version History - View previous versions

This option allows you to view previous versions of the document. The pop up will display all versions that have been added, plus any of the Comments that have been added.

The [...] option at the end of each row will give a few options such as:

Restore a previous version - if you do restore then this will be given a new version

View a previous version - none editable

Download a previous version

Fig 9 - Version History

There will be some filetypes that you will not be able to view as they are not files that are available in Open Office. You will, however, have the option to download and view them if required.

The filetypes that you are able to view are:

doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, txt, csv, odt, rtf, odp, ods

All other filetypes cannot be viewed but can be downloaded.

Attributes - View and set the attributes of the document

This option will allow you to set specific attributes to that specific document by default, such setting it to be a Read Only document, defaulting the track changes to be enabled when editor and also controlling where the attachements Version History can be seen.

  • Full - In every instance where this attachment can be viewed, i.e. Original record, Library, Collaboration
  • Only this entity - only available in the original entity the attachment was uploaded to
  • Hidden - Version History is not available for this attachment.

Fig 10 - Document Attributes

Note: All changes to any of the documents are captured in the audit trail. Download, rename, replace, edit, delete, email, restore are all classed as an update to the Document record, and are recorded as such.  Convert  will be recorded in the Version History.

Controlling the Edit Options

All the editing options listed in the Attachment [...] feature can be controlled by a switch in the Account Configuration area.

Navigate to: Configuration => Manage Account Configuration => Attachment Options

Fig 11 - Edit Attachment Options

By default all options are ticked and displayed for selection, untick any option that you wish to remove.