A custom field can be of type 'Security Group'. This type of field can automatically assign Security Group(s) to a record based on a pre-defined selectable value. 

The field is created with a number of preset values, these values are then mapped to one or more Security Groups. 

When a value is selected in the field, the mapped Security Group(s) will then be automatically allocated to the record.

If you make an update to the values already selected, the system will then automatically update the main Security Group field value to reflect the change and vise versa. 

Using the example below, this Custom Security Group Type field is named 'Department / Category':

  • If you remove 'Finance' from the main Security Group field, then it will be removed from the 'Department / Category' field
  • If you remove 'HR' from the 'Department / Category field, it will be removed from the main Security Group field

Changing one field will always update the other as they are linked.

Uses of this field

Example 1: Single Level option

Organisations may wish to have their Contract Security based upon a single Level, for example, a Department.  The selection of Department values will determine what Security Groups are allocated.

Example 2: Double Level option

Organisations may wish to have their Contract Security allocation based upon two Levels, for example a Department and a Category - the combinations of both values will determine what Security Groups are allocated.

Creating this field is a 3 step process.

1. Security Values

First you must identify all the values that you wish to use with your Security Group type field. If you are creating a single Level option then you will only need to define one Level of values in the value set. 

If you are using Double Level options then you must define all the combination of values that can be achieved using the two Levels.  

If you enter both single and double level values then the single level values will be ignored, double level values will always take precedent.

You cannot define more than 2 levels for this type of field.

Go to: Configuration => Define Value Sets => Security => Security Values

For this part of the article we will be using the double Level option.

'Department' will be our intended 1st level with 4 values:

  • HR
  • Legal
  • Finance
  • Head Office

'Category' will be our intended 2nd level with 5 values:

  • Energy
  • Facilities
  • ICT
  • Marketing
  • Professional Services

When defining your combinations there will be a hierarchical structure, repeating the second level values for each of the first level as shown below.


1st Level2nd Level
HRProfessional Services
LegalProfessional Services
FinanceProfessional Services
Head OfficeEnergy
Head OfficeFacilities
Head OfficeICT
Head OfficeMarketing
Head OfficeProfessional Services

Right click on the Value set and choose the option [Import values].  A pop up screen will display where you can manually add or copy and paste your combinations.

To represent the hierarchy structure you must separate each level with the characters => for example;

Legal => Energy when entering into this screen.

Once all values have been entered press [Import], the pop up will close and the value set will update.  Click on the arrows to view your data.  Use the expand arrows to view the 1st and 2nd level values the => character has created.

When you view these values in fields, the level separator is represented with a pipe | for example Legal => Energy is displayed as  Legal | Energy.

2. Security Group Mapping

Go To: Configuration => Security => Security Groups

Create your Security Groups and map them to a value/combination you have defined in the Security Value(s) value set.  

This mapping tells the system when you select a Level 1 value, or a Level 1 and Level 2 combination, what Security Group should be applied.

Change the 'Mapping Type' from its default of 'No Mapping' to 'Security Value(s)' and select the required value as defined in your Security value set using the drop down list.

  • For the below example we have create a Security Group of 'Finance Energy' and mapped it to the 'Finance | Energy' Security value.

  • This means when a Contract is created and the Department 'Finance' and the Category 'Energy' values are selected the Security Group of 'Finance Energy' will be assigned.

You can map multiple values in the field if required to identify all the instances when this Security Group should be allocated.

  • For the below example we have create a generic Security Group of 'Finance' and mapped it to all the 'Finance' Level 2 options - Energy/Facilities/ICT/Marketing/Professional Services.

  • This means when a Contract is created and the Department 'Finance' and any Level 2 Finance 'Category' value is selected the Security Group of 'Finance' will be assigned.

If you are creating single level Security Group field you will be presented with an extra option 'Use name for mapping'.

This means that if the Security Group name and your Security Value match then they will map together. If you choose this option and they do not match exactly then the Security Group will NOT be assigned when that value is selected.

Once all your Security Groups have been created an mapped they will be displayed in the Security Group summary screen

3. Security Group field creation

Go To: Configuration => Customisation => Manage Custom fields

Complete custom field values as required.

  • Name - this should reference the entity so you are aware of the location of the field. 
  • Label - the actual field name that will be displayed on the form
  • Help - pop up text to add context or help for the user
  • Entity - this is the feature within the system that you wish the field to be placed (Contracts, People, Parties etc)
  • Data Type - this defines the type of data that the field should contain - choose 'Security Group'
  • Data Type Parameters - If you have chosen 2 Level Security Values, then you must supply the level names - these name will appear in the field during editing. Level 1 fields will not have this option.  The First Level will be a single select option unless you tick the 'Is first level multi-picker'.
  • Hide Read-Write Controls - Hide the [RW] [RO] options at the end of a selected value
  • Show Read-Write Controls - Display the [RW] [RO] options at the end of a selected value
  • Mandatory - set if you wish the new field to be a mandatory requirement to save the form
  • [Save] the record and then use 'Define Form Layouts' to place your new field on your chosen entity layout.

Using a Security Group type field

Single Level field

For a single level custom field, click in the field and a drop down of your Level 1 values will display.

Use the drop down to select your values, the Search can be used to find the values.

You can add as many values as required to this field.  The Security Group field will update to reflect your associated Security Group.

Multi Level field

For a multi level custom field,  click in the field and a drop down for both Level 1 and Level 2 will display.  

The selection in Level 1 will determine the values that will be displayed in the Level 2.  

Note: Removing a value in Level 1 will not adjust any values already selected in Level 2.  If you do remove a Level 1 value then corresponding Level 2 values should be removed manually.

Select your values and click [Add], your combination of values will display in the field.

You can add as many combinations as required to this field.  The Security Group field will update to reflect your associated Security Group.

The Security Group field for the examples above have been pulled out into the form.  If you do not have this field on your form then it can also be access using the padlock icon on the top right of every record to view and edit.

Migrating Existing Data

If you are creating this field to replace an existing field such as 'Department' - the existing field may already contain values, that data must be migrated over to the new field so that the correct Security Group is allocated.  This is easiest to do in 3 steps:

  1. Place the new Security Group Type field on all required Layouts.
  2. Use the Import feature to mass update the new Security Group Type field with values that correspond/match the old field values. Please refer to this article on how to modify data using import
  3. Once migration is complete the old field can be removed from the Form

Note: We recommend that the new Security Group Type fields be made mandatory as these will drive the Security access.  If you do not make it mandatory and no values are given in these fields then the default Security Group of 'Everyone' or existing Security Group Automation rules will only apply.

Independent Security group values

You may have independent Security Group values that are not Mapped to any Security Value.  These Security Groups can still be selected in the main Security Group field and allow access to the record, but if it is not mapped to a Security Group Value it will not be reflected in the Security Group Type field.

System Security Group values

There are values in the main Security Group drop down which are system independent values and cannot be allocated to a Security Group Value, these are:

  • Everyone
  • No-One
  • Contract Assigned Users
  • All individual User Security Groups

These values can still be selected in the main Security Group field and will allow access to the record.

Security Automation

This custom Security Group field can be used as a new Automation Action to allocate Security Groups when a record is first created or edited.

If you wish to use these new Security Group Type fields to allocate Security Groups and you have existing Automation Rules set up to allocate Security Groups then we recommend that you review your current Automation rules as some of them may no longer be required or may need to be adjusted.

For further information on how to create a Security Group Type Automation Action, please refer to this article.