Release Notes December 2023

IM2-I1760 - 'Select All' and 'Remove All' options now added to a multi select value set picker field.  Rather than selecting the values one by one, Users can now use the options displayed at the bottom of the drop down to mass add or remove all values.

IM2-I1758 - Ability to create Alerts for Contract Document and Contract Amendments.  please refer to this article for more details:

IM2-I1719 - Switch to allow 'Role' Alerts to also go to External people.  Previously if an Alert is created with a'Role' then the Alert would only be triggered to Internal People.  A switch has been created in the Configuration - Reminders area, when activated these Role Alerts will also go out to External People.

IM2-I1797 - Contract Summary screen -  Export of Contract Term data will now included system calculated fields such as '[Term] Duration','[Term] Next Renewal Date' and [Term] Cancel By Date'.

These fields will only be displayed on a Contract Summary screen Export - they are not available via the Import feature as these are system calculated fields and not fields that can be Imported with a value.

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