There are several steps to a basic customisation and configuration of your account, based upon your account package you can review, alter and create new fields to enable you to quickly have your account retain relevant for your organisational needs and allow you to start entering Contracts..
This article will detail these steps and provide links to areas that you may need further reading to action. The configuration of your account will allow you to identify information within a contract and allow you to filter, search, sort and report on these aspects.
1. Office Locations
- Do you have more than one physical office? (one in Liverpool, one in London)
- Do you have contracts directly related to a specific office? (Liverpool - IT)
- Do you need to report on a specific office's Contracts? (All Liverpool Contracts)
- Do you want to ability to search and filter Contracts based upon office location? (Filter/Search all Liverpool Contracts)
If you have answered Yes to any of these questions then you will need create a new field to identify this within your Contract form.
Our recommendation is that you create custom field using a Value Set. Creating a field with a value set allows you to attach a drop down list of options for the user to choose from, this will eradicate possible typos that will impact on your filtering, searching and reporting functions. To create this type of field there are 3 actions, follow the below links to guide you through the process:
- Create a Value Set
- Create a Custom field
- Placing your new field on the Contract Layout
TIP: New fields can be created and added to any of the forms, if you need to create further fields then follow the Create a Custom Field process
2. Departments
- Does your organisation have separate departments? (HR, Legal, IT)
- Would you like to allocate a Contract to to one of those departments?
- Do you need to report on a specific departments Contracts?
- Do you want the ability to search and filter your Contracts by department? (All HR Contracts)
If you have answered Yes to these questions then you will need to define your organisation, follow the below links to guide you through the process
3. Types and Roles
- Do you have different Types of Contracts (Facilities, Legal, IT)
- Do you need to identify specific Types of Documents (Contract Documents, Meeting Minutes, NDA's etc)
- Do you have different Types of Parties associated to a Contract (Customers, Supplier, Branch, Agent)
- Do you have specific Roles for People directly associated to a Contract (Account Manager, Contract Manager, Financial Representative, Legal Representative)
If you have answered Yes to any of these questions then you will need to review the default Type Value sets and adjust accordingly, follow the below link to guide you through the process.
- Reviewing Types using Value Set options
- Reviewing Contract Types
4. Reviewing Forms and Creating New Fields
- Are there any fields on forms within your intelligentcontract account that you do not require?
- Are there any sections/areas within a form that you would to move to a different location (for example move a section from the middle to the bottom of the form)?
- Are there any new fields or sections that you would like to add to a form?
If you have answered Yes to any of these questions then you will need to review your Form Layouts and Create some new Custom fields, follow the below links to guide you through the process.
- Reviewing existing Form Layouts
- Creating Custom Fields
5. Reviewing Features
Are there any features within your intelligentcontract account that you do not require? Or are there any features that you may wish to restrict access to - such as Financials?
If you have an Enterprise package then you can control which features that are displayed within your account, it is easy to switch off a feature to keep your account clean, or to adjust access by applying a Security Group. Follow the below link to guide you through the process.
6. Data Upload
If required, you can use our Import feature to help you load all your existing Contract Data and Documents into your account using a series of Excel Sheets. Follow the below link for articles to guide you through this process.
7. Creating, Editing and Disabling users
Once you have your configuration set then now you give access to your account to people withing your organisation, follow the below link for a short video on how to achieve this.