Implementation of intelligentcontract solution should be done in stages. Each of these sections will cover everything from the initial configuration of your account to customisation of the software to suit your business needs. Also included are the steps in the importing of your existing contracts, companies and people and will help you get the most out of your new contract management solution.
Problems or Questions?
More information can be found at You can also email us at [email protected] or raise a new ticket.
Account information
The account information section allows you to input all your Company details and contact information, it is also used to assign your account Key User who will be the main contact to us.
Click here for more detail on how to enter this information
Organisation Structure
For both security and reporting purposes you may wish to split up your organisation into separate groups or organisational units. By doing this you then have the advanced ability to create specific views, filter summary information and create reports based on each department, for example view and report on specific contracts categories for a specific site.
Click here for for details on how to define your organisation.
There are 3 types of Users, your subscription will define how many Users you are able to have accessing the solution at any one time. Note that intelligentcontract licensing is a "named user" model. (i.e. a user is created an allocated a licence slot)
- Administrator - this User has full access to the system and also the Configuration area where Users can be created, field can be made and form layouts adjusted
- Full – this User will have full access to the system but will NOT have access to the Admin area by default
- Read Only – this User will be able to see all the data within the system but will not be able to Amend / Delete or Create data
Tip: A full user can be made into an Admin User. This User type will have all the ability of a full user with the added ability to access Admin pages. Admin pages is where the configuration of the account is completed
Click here for more details on how to start creating Users
Contract Types
intelligentcontract has a default set of values that for most organisations will be relevant. If you need to add new ones or need to completely replace the values then that's possible. Having values that make sense to your organisation makes you reporting more valuable.
Click here for more details on how to define your Contract Types.
Custom Menu Options / Entity Names
intelligentcontract is fully configurable to suit your requirements, in some instances our terminology for certain options may not be what you require.
You can change the names of the options (contracts, people, parties, alerts etc…) within the system to better suit your organisation's processes. These name changes will be reflected throughout the system including the Navigation menu
Click here for more details on how to adjust these values
The broad classification of a Contract (generally Customer and Supplier) will help for reporting and searching purposes, the default values can be adjusted and added to at any time.
Click here for more details on how to maintain these values
Value Sets
Value Sets are used throughout the system to display field drop down list values for selection, these values can be changed to better suit your contract descriptions and management process.
Click here for more details on how to manage your Value Sets
Risk Definitions
If you are using the intelligentcontract Risk feature then it is possible to define the Risk so that the severity calculation made by intelligentcontract suits your organisation. Default settings are applied but can be changed to your requirement at any time.
Click here for more details on defining Risks
Account Configuration
Configuration is where you can adjust your general default settings that are used though out intelligentcontract, areas such as Password Maintenance, Date formats, Timezones can all be adjusted if required.
Click here for more details on the Configuration options
The security model allows an administrator to setup one or more security groups and assign users to those security groups. Records (for example: contracts, documents etc) are also assigned to one or more security group. Users are then only able to work with records in their assigned group. You are able to control whether a particular user is able to view only or edit records in their groups.
Click here for more details on how to manage Security
Feature Visibility
Whilst security groups can dictate what features a user is able to see it is possible to remove entire sections from a security group’s view. For example, a security group may not need to see the Alerts section. Using Feature Visibility the Alerts tab can be removed from view.
Click here for more details on how to use Feature Visibility
Filters & Views
Views are located on every summary page, you can choose your view to filter to the records you wish to see. For example you can use the 'All Active Contracts' filter to see only currently active contracts. Predefined views can be adjusted by using the 'Edit View' option and Custom Views can be created by using the 'New View' option and completing the View Wizard steps.
Click here for more details on managing your Views and Filters
Importing Data
Rather than manually entering all your data, intelligentcontract has the option for you to upload all your data using an Import process. Just use an existing CSV file or intelligentcontract can create a sample CSV file that can be updated with your data and then loaded into the system.
Click here for more details on Importing your data
Approval Configuration
Contract approvals allows you to associate an approval status with each contract. New contracts are given a status of “pending”. Once submitted for approval, the status will change to “in progress”. At this stage the contract will be subject to a workflow (which either you or the system can decide) that can be different for each contract depending upon the type or value of the contract. Once the approval process is complete, the contract will either be “Approved” or “Rejected”
Click here to access the Approval Quick Start, the steps will help you get started with the least amount of effort. For more detailed information about Approvals functionality you can refer to the detailed Approval articles: Approvals
Electronic Signatures
The Electronic Signature feature in allows you to securely sign and manage your contract documents.
Our partnership with Adobe Sign will allow any document uploaded into intelligentcontract to be sent via email to nominated parties for signing. A person will receive an email notification and be able to add their signature electronically to a document. Once complete, a copy of the signed document will be uploaded back into intelligentcontract for your records.
Click here for more details on Electronic Signature
The Plug-Ins feature allows you to choose an application to enable Single Sign On. We have partnered with Onelogin and also have developed a generic SAML plugin for use with any identity provider that supports the SAML standard.
Click here for more details on how to setup Onelogin access
Click here for more details about Authentication using a Generic SAML