Introducing Automation - A Premium Feature

A new premium feature has been released today for intelligentcontract: Automation

Automation allows an admin user to get the system to automate common actions which you may currently relying upon users to manually complete. Automation can perform the following actions

-Add alerts to either a contract or party

-Add Tasks to either a contract or party

-Add people to a contract

- Add a specific security group to a contract, party, person.

Note: These are the initial list of actions. More actions will be added over time.

You are able to specify criteria which specifies when a particular action should be performed. The criteria can be set against any field on a contract or party.

For example, you can set a rule that will add 3 alerts (each alert with a different purpose which you can set) to a contract where the contract type is facilities. 

Note: If you only require the automation of security rules then you are able to add only Security Automation as a premium feature rather than the full automation feature. Security automation is at a lower price than the full automation feature.

You can assign multiple rules so the system can potentially create all your People , Alerts  and Tasks for a new Contract as well as set the correct security group without any manual creation.

Read about how to create Automation Rules and how they can apply to your Contract and Party records here:

If you are interested in purchasing the automation feature or to experience a free trial, please contact support at

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