Introducing Eversign for intelligentcontract

Additional Cost Feature

We are pleased to announce a new Electronic Signature partnership between Eversign and Intelligentcontract.

For more information about the Eversign product please visit their site 

For customers with a Team plan and above you are able to enable the Eversign Plugin at an additional cost to your subscription, if you wish to add Eversign to your account, then please contact us and we will adjust your account accordingly.

Key features include:

- Send any document out from within for electronic signature to anyone with an email address. 

- You can send documents such as; original contract agreements, amendments or supplier related documents such as non-disclosure agreements.Use your existing Eversign account, or sign up for a new account here.

- Track the progress of signatures across your organisation right from within

- Once a document has been signed, the executed documents are automatically uploaded to the correct contract record within 

- Combine signatures with approvals - prevent a document from being sent for signature until it has been internally approved.

 Please note: We already support a Adobe Sign and DocuSign integration and this will continue. You are able to use any of these integrations once installed. 

If you need help or assistance with this new plugin please contact the support team: [email protected]

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