New User options to Log into your intelligentcontract account
Judy Weeks
started a topic
about 4 years ago
Currently you control how your Users can access your intelligentcontract account by selecting particular Login options in the Configuration area. As these options are set for the entire account all Users by default, can only log in via the options you select.
We have made an update to the User record where these account defaults can be overwritten. The User record now also has these options for selection so you can set your account default Login preferences but for certain Users they can have more or less ways to Log in for security purposes.
For more information about how this feature works, please read this article:
Judy Weeks
Currently you control how your Users can access your intelligentcontract account by selecting particular Login options in the Configuration area. As these options are set for the entire account all Users by default, can only log in via the options you select.
We have made an update to the User record where these account defaults can be overwritten. The User record now also has these options for selection so you can set your account default Login preferences but for certain Users they can have more or less ways to Log in for security purposes.
For more information about how this feature works, please read this article: