Update to Approvals feature

We have made several enhancements to the Approval feature. A few small things have been removed, some things have been adjusted and new screens have been added.

These updates are to support our new Workflow feature that is coming soon which will allow Customers to create and maintain detailed Workflows and can include the most complex of Approval requirements.

The most significant update to Approvals you will see is the way Approval Rules are created and how Approval requests can be edited.

Previously, when creating an Approval Rule in the configuration area or manually creating a new approval Route you select several People/Approval Group records from a drop-down list and stipulate if this route should be parallel or sequential.

The process of building and editing an Approval Rule/Request has been replaced with a new flow screen to allow you to build your approval route visually. This new screen will allow you to use drag and drop functionality to easily build the most detailed approval requirements allowing the ability to have parallel and sequential steps in one Approval.

All existing Approval Rules/Requests have been transferred to display in this format and can be now viewed and edited using the new flow screen.

Removal of Approval status chip information

The status of the Approval can be viewed within the [Approval Activity] screen within a new tab ‘Approval Progress’.

This tab will give detail about the overall Approval request giving additional Approval step information on a hover pop up.

The [Approval Activity] ‘Detail’ tab will now display the overall Approval record information such as Start Date and Duration.

Access to the [Approval Activity] screen

If you are not part of the Approval request but are an Administrator then the [Approval Activity] option has been moved to the […] more action option.

If you are an Administrator and wish to approve a step on behalf of an Approver in a parallel Approval request you will first be asked which step you wish to approve. The below example has 4 initial parallel Approval steps.

The screen will present to you asking you to select the step you wish to action via the drop down list.

There may also be an instance where you are mentioned in an Approval more than once.

The [Approval Activity] screen will present to you asking you to select the step you wish to action via the drop down list.

Please refer to these articles that explains specifically how the flow screen works

All the other articles have also been updated to include where this new screen can be accessed and all the updates to the feature.


Please take some time to read through all the updated Approval articles to familiarise yourself with the changes that have been released and how they relate to the Approval feature.

The launch of the new Workflow feature will be coming later this year and any enhancements to existing functionality to accommodate will be fully detailed when released.

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